
Your radiologist is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating disease and injury through the use of medical imaging techniques such as x射线, 计算机断层扫描, 核磁共振成像, 核医学, 正电子发射断层扫描, 融合成像, 和超声波. 在星际娱乐app这里, professional interpretations of diagnostic images are performed by physicians from Baylor College of Medicine’s radiology department. 检查程序包括x光检查, CT(或CAT), 核磁共振成像, 核医学, 3 d乳房x光检查, 骨质密度, 超声波检查.

CT (CAT扫描)

CT, 也被称为CAT扫描或计算机轴位断层扫描, is a special X-ray test that produces cross-sectional images called “slices” of the body using X-rays and a computer. 星际娱乐app使用128层 GE Revolution高清CT机,这保证了你在马塔戈达县技术最先进的CT选择. 图像清晰度的提高有助于临床医生更有信心地进行诊断, 先进的低剂量技术意味着你暴露在更少的辐射中.


如果你可能怀孕了,请通知技术人员. 如果有怀孕的可能性,可以在检查前进行妊娠试验.

Please bring a list of your current medications as the technologist will ask you several questions regarding these before your exam. 这些问题将包括你可能有的任何过敏(尤其是对碘), 先前对x射线“染料”的反应,“肾脏问题或糖尿病. 如果你正在服用任何治疗糖尿病的药物,请告知医生.


A board certified CT technologist performs your exam and the technologist will explain the entire procedure to you and provide any specific instructions for the scan. You may need to hold your breath at times and an IV may be necessary if a contrast medium or dye is required.

一些考试要求你喝口服造影剂. 如果有必要的话, the technologist will provide you the contrast and inform you about when to drink it before the scan.

考试时不要动,这很重要. 您将被放置在扫描台上,然后移动到扫描仪中. The technologist will have you in full view at all times and be in constant communication with you via two-way microphones and monitors. 在这短暂的时间里, you will hear humming of the equipment as it produces the images and the scan table will move as different images are produced.


The scanned images will be reviewed and interpreted by a 星际娱乐app’s partner physicians at the Baylor College of Medicine, 一份报告会寄给给你做检查的医生. 你的医生会在下次预约时与你讨论检查结果.

3 d乳房x光检查

也称为断层合成, 3 d乳房x光检查 is a revolutionary screening and diagnostic tool designed for early breast cancer detection that is packaged with a traditional 2D digital mammogram. 在考试的3D部分, x光臂在乳房上扫出一个轻微的弧线, 多次拍摄乳房图像. 然后,计算机生成一毫米切片的乳房组织的3D图像.

Thanks to the generous support of our community and supporters through the 星际娱乐app, 星际娱乐app 3 d-enabled senograperpristina乳房x光系统 可以:

  • 有助于在乳房致密时发现癌症
  • 用于筛查和诊断乳房x光检查
  • 减少回叫和可能的活组织检查次数


Digital 乳房x光检查 is an effective way to screen for and detect breast cancer and offers several advantages over film images, 包括:

  • 更容易阅读,帮助放射科医生做出准确的诊断
  • 覆盖乳房所有区域的更大动态范围,尽管密度不同
  • 能减少再次乳房x光检查的需要吗
  • 能以电子方式存储和传输吗

如果及早发现,乳腺癌的5年生存率将超过96%. 请致电(979)241-3420或(979)245-6383预约乳房x光检查.


磁共振成像(核磁共振成像) is a revolutionary form of diagnostic imaging with great potential for diagnosing a variety of health problems at their earliest, 大多数可治疗阶段. 在某些情况下, 核磁共振成像 has proven to be superior to other forms of diagnostic imaging and its many clinical applications are just starting to be fully utilized. 核磁共振成像 uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce computer processed images of your inner body. 与x射线或CT扫描不同,核磁共振成像不需要使用电离辐射. 没有疼痛或不适,也没有已知的副作用.


核磁共振成像检查不需要特别准备. 您可以在检查前进食或饮水,并服用任何处方药物. 因为这个过程需要使用强力磁铁, 你应该留下任何金属或磁敏感的物品,如手表, 戒指或其他金属首饰和信用卡. Women who think they may be pregnant should notify their physicians prior to the 检查.

当你到达检查时, 在你进入扫描室之前,核磁共振工作人员会获得一些信息.

没有人有心脏起搏器, 铁磁动脉瘤夹, neuro-stimulator, 内耳假体, 或者眼睛里的金属异物会被允许进入扫描室.


检查时可能会要求你换上病号服. For the procedure, you simply lie on a table inside a cylinder for approximately one hour. During this time the computer will view your inner body from several different angles to provide a comprehensive diagnostic study. 在扫描过程中,你会听到像鼓声一样的敲击声, 在这个时候保持不动是很重要的. 如果您想使用耳塞或耳机,可以使用耳塞或耳机. 星际线上娱乐的技术人员将在整个过程中与您保持联系. You will be able to talk with the technologist at any time during the procedure through an intercom system. 取决于要检查的身体部位, 为了获得更清晰的图像,可能需要使用对比材料. 这种物质被注入静脉. Use of contrast material will be determined and administered on an individual basis by the 核磁共振成像 physician.


磁共振成像提供了一组独特的图像, 核磁共振医生会研究哪些. 检查结果将直接报告给你的医生. 在许多情况下,核磁共振成像消除了额外诊断程序的需要.


如果你对磁共振成像有任何其他问题, 请给您的医生或星际线上娱乐的技术人员打电话. 星际线上娱乐是来帮忙的.


核医学涉及使用放射性物质, 或同位素, 获取具体的诊断信息.These isotopes transmit a pattern of rays representing the organ size, shape and function. 射线被一种特殊的照相机探测到, 当与电脑结合使用时, 在屏幕上产生特征图像.


进行检查的个人是核医学技术人员. 这位技术人员已经完成了严格的教育和培训课程, and works under close supervision of the radiologist (a radiologist is a physician who specializes in the study of imaged tests, 比如超声波, x射线, 等.),以确保你的考试结果最准确.

你的技术人员会轻轻地把你放在相机下面的扫描台上. 然后将放射性核素注射或口服. 这使得相机可以探测到某些器官及其功能. The amount of radiation to which the patient is exposed is minimal and of no significant danger. 放射性核素或示踪物质在一两天内就会从体内排出. 并发症或副作用很少.

大多数扫描需要许多不同的图像,可能还需要一些位置的改变. 你会被要求躺着不动. 每次扫描大约需要三分钟,尽管有些可能需要更长时间. 运动可能导致需要进行额外的扫描.


根据研究的性质和其他因素,时间会有很大的不同. 考试时长从1-2小时不等.


核医学医师将研究检查结果并与你的医生进行咨询, 然后谁来通知你结果呢.


超声波 is the use of sound waves to obtain a medical image or picture of various organs and tissues in the body. 这是一个无痛和安全的过程.

超声波 produces precise images of your soft tissues (heart, blood vessels, uterus, bladder, 等.),并揭示内部运动,如心跳和血液流动. 它可以检测病变或受损的组织, 定位异常生长并识别各种变化的条件, 这能让你的医生做出快速准确的诊断.


为你做超声波检查的人被称为超声医师. This technologist is highly skilled and educated and works under close supervision of the radiologist. The radiologist is a physician who specializes in the study of various imaged tests such as x-ray, 超声波, 乳房x光检查, CT, 核磁共振成像与核医学.

技师会把你扶到检查台上. 此时此刻, an oil or transmission gel will be applied to the area of your body that will be examined. 换能器将在被成像的身体部位上缓慢移动. The transducer sends a signal to an on-board computer that processes the data and produces the 超声波 image. 诊断就是根据这张图片做出的.

You won’t feel a thing except for the slight pressure and movement of the transducer over the part of the body being imaged. 在手术过程中保持安静和放松是很重要的. The 超声波 images will appear on a monitor similar to a TV screen and are recorded either on paper or film for a detailed study.


考试可能会持续30到60分钟,这取决于所研究的解剖结构. You may be required to drink water to enhance the quality of the picture (sound travels better through water) and this could lengthen the time of the exam.


超声有时用于软组织损伤的治疗应用. 确定年龄对产前护理也有帮助, 性, 以及胎儿的生长特征.


  • 穿舒适的衣服.
  • 避免佩戴首饰.
  • 遵循考试前收到的所有指示.
  • 考试前不要喝软饮料. 碳酸化会产生气泡,可能会干扰图像.
  • 一定要问一些和考试有关的问题. 他们会帮助评估.


骨密度测试测量骨骼的强度. 该测试将告诉你是否患有骨质疏松症或骨质疏松症.


  • 如果你是65岁或以上的女性,安排一个骨密度测试.
  • 如果你是64岁或以下的女性,并且你已经经历了更年期, 询问医生是否需要做骨密度测试.

如果你有骨质疏松的风险, 你的医生或护士可能会建议你每两年做一次骨密度测试.

男性也会得骨质疏松症. 如果你是一个65岁以上的男人,你担心你的骨骼强度, 和你的医生或护士谈谈.


骨质疏松症是一种骨骼疾病. 这意味着你的骨头很脆弱,更容易骨折. 骨质疏松症患者最常发生髋部、脊柱和腕部骨折.

没有骨质疏松症的症状和体征. 你可能直到骨折才知道自己得了这种病. 这就是为什么进行骨密度测试来测量骨骼强度是如此重要.


骨密度测试就像给你的身体做x光或扫描. 骨密度测试不会伤害你,你不需要做任何准备. 只需要大约15分钟.